OGAE Bulgaria och det bulgariska TV-bolaget har tagit ett första steg mot att välja bidrag inför ESC 2013. Nu kan du hjälpa dem i valet!
Följande enkät når oss från OGAE Bulgaria. Om du vill hjälpa Bulgarien att ta fram ett bra bidrag till ESC 2013 i Sverige, mailar du dina svar till eurovisionbg@mail.bg
Kom ihåg att svara på engelska.
After the confirmation from BNT about Bulgaria’s participation in Eurovision 2013 the very first step is done. We’d like you to help us to do an international research about Bulgaria in Eurovision in the years and our future participation. Please answer this international survey about the Bulgarian participation in ESC 2013 by BNT, OGAE Bulgaria and Eurovision-bg.com
We’re waiting for your answers on e-mail: eurovisionbg@mail.bg
1. What style of song do you expect from Bulgaria in 2013?
a.) Fast dance pop song;
b.) Ballad with ethnic elements;
c.) Ballad in American / Western European type;
d.) Ballad with rock elements;
f) Rock;
f.) Jazz, soul, alternative;
g.) Fast song with ethnic elements;
h.) Other (please state);
2. Which Bulgarian artist is most well-known or famous to you? What impresses you about their work? Note the artist’s songs that you think are appropriate for „Eurovision“.
3. Which Bulgarian song has left the most lasting mark in your mind? What impresses you about it?
4. Specify the best Bulgarian entry that did not qualify to the Eurovision Song Contest final.
5. Which language should Bulgarian entries to the Eurovision Song Contest be performed in?
a.) Bulgarian;
b.) English;
c.) Bilingual combination of Bulgarian and English;
d.) Other;
6. List any flaws you think affected the song and stage presentation from the list below;
a.) „Lorraine“ (2005);
b.) „Let me cry“ (2006);
c.) „Dj, take me away“ (2008);
d.) „Illusion“ (2009);
e.) „Angel si ti / You’re angel“ (2010);
f.) „Na inat“ (2011);
g.) „Love Unlimited“ (2012);
7. Arrange the following elements of the song presentation in order of importance: choreography, vocal performance, lighting, camera angels and stage effects (graphics, pyro effects, etc..). You can add more elements at your own discretion.
8. Specify up to 5 songs that have impressed you most in „Eurovision“ between 2005 and 2012.
9. Which performances in „Eurovision“ between the period 2005 to 2012 do you consider as the best in terms of production design and visual presentation?
Note the following additional information for you:
– Under 16 years;
– 16-20 years;
– 20-30 years;
– 30-45 years;
– Over 45 years;
Musical preferences:
Send your answers here: eurovisionbg@mail.bg
Mattias Johansson, Ordförande