Alla medlemmar i Melodifestivalklubben inbjudes härmed till OGAE Turkey’s officiella fest i Belgrad, som kommer att äga rum måndagen den 19 maj kl 1830.
Se inbjudan från OGAE Turkey nedan.
Ni som vill komma, anmäl er till mej på eller telefon 0736-783021 senast nu på söndag, den 11 maj.
Väl mött i Belgrad!
Dear All,
I am honour to announce to you the Turkish Party in Belgrade. The party’s official name is ”Sound Of Turkey”. As TRT and OGAE Turkey, we would like to share the essence and deep notes of our culture with you. Of course some of this years brillant and talented artists will be with us from various countries with their precious perfomances of their ESC entries. There will be unlimited drinks and some snacks for us. Euro-DJ Umut Certel will play for us.
As a co-organizer, I would like to be informed, how many members of your clubs will be attending the party for reserving the invitations.
The date will be 19.05.2008 between 18.00-20.30 (The party can continue after offical hours)
I will organize the invitations for each club. And we will deliver them in OGAE Desk after 12.05.2008 Monday. The invitations will be limited.
Let’s get happy together
Best Regards
Tolga Irkan
UPPDATERING 2008-05-10:
För er som ännu inte anmält er till festen kan vi ej längre garantera plats, men om några fortfarande är intresserade, hör av er så ska vi se vad vi kan göra! OGAE Turkiet lovar att göra allt för att alla som vill ska kunna få gå…
Maria Niklasson, Ordförande